Pages of Those I know

I think I mentioned before that everybody has a page now. Just to prove the point, here are links to people I know. Some are friends and others aren't. I can take no responsibility for the quality or content of their pages but I think the style differences are interesting. When it was only a few people I had them off my main page, but I could see the trend coming and just to stay ahead of it, I made this page. These links are in the order that people told me about their pages. I was going to rate them and make insightful comments but
  1. That's too much work for what is essentially a hobby
  2. It is a good way to lose friends
  3. My tastes have been described as "Not Average"
  4. Insert lame excuse of your choice here
Please check out all of these pages and enjoy yourself.

Condor's Page
Shaun's Page

Ken Corless Home Page

Joey Corless's Page - My virtual nephew

Tommy Corless's Page - My virtual nephew. Last time I checked Tommy wasn't as active as Joey since his page hasn't been updated in a long time. I guess he takes after me.

Darcy's Page Not sure what is going on here anymore but might be worth checking out

Chris Crawford's Page - Pilot (PDA) Development

All Aaron, All the Time - adventures in urban travel

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